It's time to act

The cost of living is rising, purchasing power is falling, and many people are feeling the pressure of having to manage their money better.
The reality is that many employees in your company are under financial stress.


of employees say that money is their number one source of stress.


Employees under financial stress are 2 times more likely to leave your company.

1 774€

The average cost of lost productivity per employee due to financial stress.

Offer a Financial Wellness
Solution to Your Employees

Other companies have done it, why not you?

The race for talent is driving companies to spend millions on providing financial wellness services

3 in 4 young (GEN Z and Y) workers would like their employer to provide more resources to help with their financial well-being

The traditional employee savings plan is no longer a competitive differentiator

Une expérience d’épargne intelligente, automatique et amusante

Don't wait for your employees to fall into financial distress to act

Prioritize anticipation and prevention by helping your employees better manage their money and build up emergency savings

Une expérience d’épargne intelligente, automatique et amusante

Why is Eliz
the solution for you ?

A Holistic Approach to Financial Wellness

Money is a complex human and social object: difficult to earn, to save, to manage, and to share.
For many people, money is a source of confusion, stress and fear. Therefore, only a holistic approach to financial well-being is able to provide an effective solution to the financial stress of your employees.

Des règles d'épargne automatiques

Eliz rewards your employees for better managing their money and getting the most Happiness from it

Managing money is a job that pays off in the long run, and human nature makes it difficult to adopt habits that we know are healthy in the long term but painful in the short term.

Eliz rewards your employees for making managing personal finances rewarding even in the short term.

Des règles d'épargne automatiques

The gamification of your employees' personal finances that matches your image

Gamification is the art of making a tedious task enjoyable. We introduce it at different levels of personal finance management to help your employees achieve their goals more easily. We can work together on personalized gamification to boost your employer branding.

Des règles d'épargne automatiques

A Dashboard to improve the financial well-being of your employees

Invite your employees to improve their financial well-being and manage your actions from an easy-to-use, feature-rich dashboard.

Des règles d'épargne automatiques

What Eliz concretely brings
to your employees

Automatic and rewarding savings

Eliz supports your employees step by step, from the 1st euro saved, to achieve their savings goals.

Spending recommendations to boost their happiness

Eliz encourages your employers to spend on time-saving experiences and services. It is these types of expenses that lead to the most long-term satisfaction.

Enhancing the positive impact of their money

Eliz helps them track and improve the positive impact their money has on others through charitable giving and on the planet by reducing the carbon footprint of their spending.

Improve their Financial Stability

Eliz brings a 360° view of their bank accounts to help them manage their finances.

ESG Investments

Your employees can make their money grow by investing in ESG portfolios.

One-on-one coaching

Certified financial advisors will support your employees to help them achieve their goals more quickly and meet their needs.

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Security is happiness

We implement the strongest information security and banking standards. Our partners are certified by Banque de France which guarantees the highest degree of security of your data.

SSL Encryption

All the data on Eliz is protected through SSL connection entirely encrypted through 256-bites algorithms.