Buy time: Order food to your place, take a babysitter, use cleaning service, ...

Earn JOYs and increase your happiness score

Convert your JOYs into gift cards


Buying time makes you happier

To be happy, you have to buy time. At least that's the la conclusion reached by a team of researchers from the University of British Columbia (UBC) and Harvard Business School.

The scientists were able to discover that when people spend money to free up time by outsourcing certain tasks of their daily lives (delivering groceries, housework, babysitting, etc.), they become happier. They change their state of mind thanks to lower stress levels, less pressure felt on a daily basis ... Indeed, buying time allows us to free ourselves to follow our passions, which considerably increases our feeling of well-being on a daily basis.


Eliz rewards you when you buy time

Eliz offers you a wide range of services ( groceries delivery, cleaning services, childcare, ...) to buy time to follow your passions and more importantly to make you happier. To reward your happiness, Eliz offers you JOYs every time you buy one of these services. You accumulate JOYs and use them to finance your desires.